How to Protect Yourself from the Adverse Effects of Excessive UV Light Exposure

Ultraviolet light is electromagnetic radiation, which light usually falls between visible light and X-rays in the range of the EM spectrum. Furthermore, in comparison with visible light, ultraviolet light has shorter wavelengths; thus, it is invisible to the human eye, but insects could see it, bumblebees, for example. We, humans, might not see it, but our skin could feel it.

The full spectrum of ultraviolet radiation could be seen in the sun. Moreover, it is usually subdivided into different classifications because the biological effects of ultraviolet radiation vary with the wavelength. These are UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. The most harmful among the three classifications is the UV-C rays, and it is almost absorbed entirely by the atmosphere. In comparison, the UV-B rays are also considered harmful and could cause sunburn if we are overexposed. Also, UV-B rays exposure could create cellular damage in living organisms and also could risk the DNA. Lastly, UV-A rays can cause tanning and could also cause sunburn if the wavelengths are shorter. It is also proven that UV-A radiation contributes to developmental skin cancer.

Most of the ultraviolet radiation produced by the sun is absorbed by the oxygen that we could found in the Earth’s atmosphere. On the other hand, ultraviolet that reaches the surface of the Earth is 99% UV-A radiation. But unfortunately, because of the climate change that causes the ozone layer to become thin, UV-B radiation can also reach the Earth’s surface.

Moreover, ultraviolet radiation has a low power of penetration that makes it capable of direct effect in our human body, limited to the surface of our skin. The direct effects are the reddening of the skin, development of pigment, and aging. In addition, the sunburns caused by the ultraviolet rays can be mild or could also be severe that is capable of producing blisters and swelling.

It has been clearly stated and proven previously that excessive exposure to ultraviolet light could cause a lot of severe damages to our health. In considering that, we should be a lot more careful to protect ourselves from any health risks that it could bring.

As vehicles give a great advantage to the owner for it is more convenient to do errands and travel using this, it is no wonder that there is an estimated 1.4 billion cars on the road that makes the vehicle saturation about 18%. With that, car window tinting in Southampton offers a window tint for your car that will minimize the ultraviolet rays penetrating your car. It will protect the passengers and make them more comfortable while traveling no matter what the weather. In addition, car tinting in Luton adds aesthetic vibes to your car makes it look different and stylish, among others. Also, it could protect the interior upholstery of your vehicle.

If you want to know more about how you could avoid the different health risks tackled previously, below is an infographic from GLOBAL TINT that discusses how to protect yourself from the adverse effects of excessive UV light exposure: